Romans 8:35-39 speaks of conquering, of victory! That is a message we all want to hear. The trials of life press us hard on every side; it appears that we cannot win. Even from a spiritual standpoint, we sometimes are inclined to feel that victory is impossible. We have become Christians, true. But in our past are terrible sins; in the present, great temptations; about the future, great uncertainty. How can we live down our past? How can we hang on to our faith in spite of present temptations? How can we survive the problems tomorrow may bring? How can we win the victory? The Word of God says we can!
It does not say we will be immune to trials and tragedies. But it does say that, in spite of those trials, we can overcome, we can win, we can be conquerors! In fact, it says more than that. It says we can be more than conquerors! Paul says we not only conquer; we over-conquer! Apparently, he meant we win a most glorious victory.
As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is given to us when we become Christians (Acts 2:38; 5:32). Why? For one thing, the Spirit’s dwelling in us is testimony to the fact that we are saved, that we are children of God. For another, the Spirit enables us to put to death the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). The Spirit helps us live victoriously over sin. In the third place, it is through the Spirit that we will be raised from the dead. And, finally, the Spirit leads us not by any better-felt-than-told way, not miraculously, but especially through the revealed Word. But the main point we need to understand is that we have the Holy Spirit as a heavenly guest, dwelling in us, helping us in the Christian life.
We are not under condemnation, the sentence of death has been removed, the past has been taken care of. Now we have the Spirit of God dwelling in us to help us live for God in the present. No wonder we are over-conquerors.
Word Affirmation: For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield - Psalm 5:12 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“It is the Holy Spirit that help us live a Christian live. Do you have fellowship with Him?”