Don’t ever claim you know your enemies, a lot of us do not know and the person you think is your enemy may not be the one. You will get to know your enemy when you least expected, your enemy is only waiting for an occasion and it does not matter s/he may be your closest friend today. You will be surprised when you finally know. Many of us are fighting unknown battle, the battle we do not know the source. You fast, pray and do all the needful but it seems the more you do all those things the more the battle keep raging. I have a word for you, never give up; release the battle to God, in the first place, the battle is not yours, so let God do the fighting.

It is possible that Israelites (the Beloved of God) was in captivity for the punishment of her degeneracy, but her captivity was turned again when the end is answered and the work designed by it is effected. King Cyrus for whatever reasons, proclaimed liberty to God's captives, and yet it was the Lord's doing, according to His word many years before. God sent them into captivity, not as dross is put into the fire to be consumed, but as gold to be refined. The release of Israel is called the turning again of the captivity of Zion, the holy hill, where God's tabernacle and dwelling-place were; for the restoring of their sacred interests, and the reviving of the public exercise of their religion, were the most valuable advantages of their return out of captivity.

The Israelites were amazed at it; it came so suddenly that at first they were in confusion, not knowing what to make of it, nor what it was tending to: “We thought ourselves like men that dream; we thought it too good news to be true, and began to question whether we were well awake or no, and whether it was not still” (See also Peter Act 12:9). Sometimes the people of God are thus prevented with the blessings of his goodness before they are aware.

You will laugh last, it is God, your Father that rules in the affair of men. You are an heir and joint-heir with Christ, He will turn your captivity, only believe. This season will not last. Your victory will come suddenly and it will be as if you are dreaming. So have a strong faith in the Lord and you will never be disappointed in God. If Zion, the seat of God can experience captivity who are you? But the good news is, Zion turning, change brings about pleasant surprises. You will have pleasant surprises this year (Amen).

WORD AFFIRMATION: Word Affirmation: For unto ME a child is born, unto ME a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder - Isaiah 9:6 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“To win in life, let God fight your battle in His own way.”