Naked we all came to the world but no man was born empty. God created you with a purpose, even before you were formed in your mother’s womb He knew you. Though, all are born naked but all are not birth without greatness. When you are born people around you might see a boy or a girl, but Heaven know a nation was born. Greatness is in you and therefore stops seeing yourself as nothing. You might not have become whom God created you to be but nothing should stop you becoming it. The situation around may look hopeless but be hopeful and positive in your approach to life. Government is upon your shoulder and you carry the destinies of other people too, if you see yourself as grasshopper you will be eaten up by a bird. You are a nation, a strong nation that lends to nations; nations are in you and never take anything less.
Your major assignment is to find out the purpose of God for your life. What are you born to do? What is that thing that you are cut out for? Bezaleel was called to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass (Exodus 31:1-5); David was called to be a king but was kept in the wilderness shepherding flocks, Jesus was called to be a Saviour and realised it in time. What are you called to do? Are you in your assignment? Many are struggling in life today because they never known what they are called to do. Some that are called to be a television are struggling to become a refrigerator. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet but he was making excuses but God let him know that there is nobody on earth that He did not know even before their fathers met their mothers. God gave him a purpose and fulfilment in his assignment.
You are in that ugly situation because you do not know your actual position. Get your bearing right and run to God to show you the stuff you are made of. Riding cars or building goodly houses is not fulfilling purpose; there is a reason why you are created. You must know and walk in it. Stop cheating yourself. If you are not called to be a medical doctor and you spend your years studying medicine and graduated, you will soon realize you are a wasted product. If you know your purpose today then you will realize that your life is too short to achieve it to the fullest. The earlier, the better! As a believer, you must not exist for nothing. You must know why you are created, here lies your greatness. Learn from our Lord Jesus who knew His purpose, walk His purpose and died for His purpose (Luke 4:17-20). You will not die miserably. You will achieve God’s purpose for your life in Jesus name. Be great!
Word Affirmation: Then the Word of the LORD came unto ME, saying,_______________ (fill in the gap) - Jeremiah 1:4 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Your major assignment is to find out the purpose of God for your life. What are you born to do? What is that thing that you are cut out for?”