PART 1: God created us in His own image; nothing should be too difficult for a child of God who takes his proper place in God. He gave power to as many that believe in Him which means you can live the way God lives, he lives in possibility, you too can. Today, we shall be considering the fifth letter in the word, Possibility which is letter I. I in Possibility stand for IDEA. Let me quickly say this, “the greatest idea in the world is the Word of God which also is the source of every great idea”. The Word of God is readily available but require great task to draw out. In the school of possibility, a little idea, a little faith, a little push is needed to turn your conviction into reality, sometimes it require you verbalizing your conviction or take a step of faith.
Idea is a positive impression (feelings), thoughts or plan formed by thinking in the mind. It is a belief or opinion that something is possible, idea means perceiving opportunities where others saw nothing at all. It’s giving the world your own image, ideas are spiritual seeds and it always has a small beginning. From the little acorn do great trees grow. the minimum requirement for achievement is just an idea. Acorn is the seed of the oak tree. Compared to the big oak tree, the acorn is very small. But the seed grows up into huge tree in course of time. Likewise, a small effort or venture can grow up to a big enterprise.
Idea must be planted – sometimes ago, we harvested potatoes from our backyard garden, it was just the potato leaves that were planted, but because it was planted, watered and tilled, it gave us great harvest. You can live in the realm of possibility if you plant the little idea in your heart. Every change begins with a vision and a decision to take positive action. The vision can be small, but very strong. A Vision is a SEED and will not grow until you plant it. Every man was born with a seed, an ability to execute a vision/idea. All of this whether to sow a seed or follow a cause, it’s all started from the heart, it is the human MIND alone that converts ordinary materials into productive resources.
In Romans 12:1,2 Paul urged the Romans including every believer today to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. And not conformed to this world: but that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. The battleground for greatness, achievements and possibilities is the heart, our mind. The outward wealth of a man cannot be compared with his inward wealth. Man is more beautiful inside than outside. Inner man of a person is the engine room for his outward testimonies hence the need for each individual to produce and recreate his own world through the inner mind. Your imagination creates an image because you are gods (Psalm 82:6).
Since you know that idea is important to any possibility, how do you now discover or develop your idea? 1. You can develop/discover your idea through your fellowship with the Trinity (you must be in a relationship with God through His Only Begotten Son and the assistant of the Holy Spirit. You need a high power, impossibility is a power/spirit, so to turn it to possibility you need absolutely greater power to deal with whatever hindrances on your way to greatness. Friends, to be sincere with you, you need Jesus, the real
journey for you to achieve your purpose in life.
Let continue TOMORROW, there we shall be looking at others ways to discover/develop one’s idea, the benefits of having an idea and how to turn your ideas into wealth.
Word Affirmation: And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee - Exo 23:25 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Every change begins with a vision and a decision to take positive action.”
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