TEXT: REVELATION 5:1-14; 12:11
MEMORY VERSE: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12

The world is in reset mode, the entire continents are lockdown and knockdown by coronavirus, if there is anything both believers and unbelievers are looking for now, it is the vaccine that will terminate the virus as death rates and number of cases increasing daily. Looking at the basis of our prayers, some said, the secret things belong to God and reveals it to His servants; other said, the secret was made known to Daniel so that He could not perished with the rest of the magicians and other people said God is the Creator of herb yielding seeds and He can tell anyone which leaf or tree that will cure the virus. If we truly understand the Scriptures, there is no other solution that God will specially give to stop the virus; the virus has come to stay like many others, so the world must live with it.

In Old Testament, God gave solutions to His people, He revealed to Abraham His mission to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He gave the secret to escape the flood to Noah, Moses lifted the brazen serpent in the wilderness to stop snake bites, the Israelites were saved from more than ten plagues in the land of Egypt, the secret was also reveal to Daniel so that He would not perish with the rest of the magicians and many more solutions God gave to achieve His agenda, but in this dispensation there is no special solution anymore that God will give. He has given His one and only vaccine to any challenge in life, which is Jesus Christ.

If anybody is praying for God’s solution to COVID-19, such is only wasting his/her time because there is no other solution. The only solution to COVID-19 is the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved except the name of Jesus of Nazareth.” Do not trouble yourself, the blood of Jesus and His name is still available for any child of God who believes and stays in Him. Jesus Christ is the only vaccine that cures any virus, sickness or disease. God did not give any special solution during the Spanish flu epidemic in the 1800s; He did not give during the HIV/AIDS, MERS, Bird Flu and Ebola epidemic. Why are you expecting God to give solution to coronavirus?

God has giving the entire world His only begotten Son, and whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Since the day Christ entered into this world and till eternity, He is the only solution to any life’s challenge and Vaccine to whatever virus in our world. Do not be afraid, all what you need doing is to give your life to Christ, confess your sins unto Him, confess that He is the only Begotten Son of the Father, make Him your Lord and Saviour and follow Him with your whole heart. If you truly died with Him in baptism, you will surely rise with Him in glory. He said, I am the resurrection and life (John 3:14-15; John 11:25, 26; Romans 10:9, 14:11). So what else are you looking for? The world made the virus and they will look out for the solution on their own as they did in previous outbreak. Your concern should be to have the Person of Christ, carry the Power and Fire of the Holy Spirit and the Presence of God, because the present events are not the real agenda, the main agenda is coming hereafter, in order not to be affected, you must carry Jesus in your inside and ensure you are in God so as not to perish with the evil and wicked agenda of the principalities and powers in high places.

“Jesus Is The Answer For The World Today, Above Him There's No Other; Jesus Is The Way.”
Central Truth