To be sincere, Christianity is NOT easy, but if you allow the Spirit of God to take over you, His grace will be available and sufficient for you to walk and work on the Way that leads to life eternal. There is a point that you will get to that everything turns and you now begin to live the life of Christ without struggle that is the place where you allow Christ to be your driver and anchor. Everybody must experience the place and it is not something to miss, Jacob earlier in his life missed the place, the road to Damascus was the place for Paul and for Peter, it was by the lake of Gennesaret. The best life to live on earth is a life solely dedicated and sold to God. Ensure you did not miss your place, if you missed it, you will not only lose Jesus, life on earth will not be meaningful as well.
The place may be your place of work, family or church. However, does a child of God go to church? Yes, a child must fellowship with other Children of God. But church today has been a placed where so many people are now losing their souls to the Devil, many people goes to church nowadays to deceive their pastors, defraud church members and womanize. The church is the body of the saved (Acts 2:47). Members of the church are saved by Jesus’ blood (Acts 20:28) and by the Lord’s grace (Acts 15:11).
The church is made up of those who have appropriated God’s grace and the power of the blood through faith and obedience. 1. Faith, or belief, is required (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:37; 4:4). 2. Repentance is required (Luke 13:3; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30; 26:20). 3. Confession of faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son is required (Acts 8:37; Romans 10:9, 10). 4. Baptism is required (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Romans 6:3–6; Acts 2:38, 41).The church is made up of those who have been added by the Lord to His body (Acts 2:41, 47; 5:14).
After we become members of His Church, as we move from place to place, we should join ourselves to a local congregation whose mission is to preach the gospel, save lives, build and nurture people to maturity (Acts 9:26) not the ones whose aim is to milk the congregation. The church should be made up of those who are thrilled about what God has done for them (see 2:43; 3:19; 8:39). Remember, a Child of God will go to church but church does not make a child of God. When your heart is prepared for God you contact fire and kindle the fire of others and this can spark great revival in the society. The life of Christ is to be lived and shared outside the church. But when you join yourself with foreigners in the church, they will extinguish the fire in your inside and you begin to behave like them and because of this, others outside the church begin to see a different version of Jesus in your life. Do not bring shame to God.
Word Affirmation: My God shall supply all MY need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“The best life to live on earth is a life solely dedicated and sold to God.”
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