God add more grace to the humble, humility has been the yardstick use by God to give more grace to those who deserve it. If you come down to God in humility, He will go up with you with grace and glory. Prayer may release power, grace greases its function. The level of humility you have determines the measure of grace you command. Moses, the meekest man became the greatest prophet ever lived; at eighty he turned aside, bow down to see why the bush was burning but never consumed, he did not bow to the fire that burn, he bowed down to God. He did not erect stone at the site to worship, he knew the site was only important because God came there (Numbers 12:3). His staff became a consuming snake, parted the red sea, delivered the house of Jacob from bondage, saw God face to face, conquered land and territories; indeed, commanded great power because of his humility, for God grace him.
Moses was not full of himself, not an arrogant and God was able to use him greatly. What turns a car, a ship, a bigger vessel is just a smaller steering. Infact, if you are opportune to see what car steering rely on to move a car, it is just like a film, a flexible nylon, very inconsequential. God gave Moses more of His grace because of his level of humility. God dishonour an arrogant man. Have you been praying for grace, for more power and it seems nothing is forthcoming? Check your humility level, if you have 10% humility, 90% of arrogance, pride or proud heart, be sure to receive 10% grace. Your humility level is equal to your grace level. Yes, grace is unmerited favour but it is giving in measure and that measurement is humility or meekness. How much of meekness you possess determines your grace level.
God is coming for the meek, he will guide and teach him His way; the meek shall equally eat in plenty, inherit the earth and will be saved from impending danger (Psalm 25:9; 37:11; 76:9; 22:26). God will surely increase the humble and cast down the proud – Psalm 147:6; 149:4. When the Spirit of the Lord GOD came upon Jesus and the LORD anointed Him to preach good tidings, it is not just to anybody, but to the meek (see Isaiah 61:1).
Jesus Christ like Moses could control such enormous power in His days, not because He is just the Only Begotten Son of the Father but because of His humility. He said in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls”. Imagine, Jesus left His glory He had with the Father, He left His abode in heaven to come to this world to suffer, died and bury like every other man. Such was great in the sight of God, He doesn’t have to pray for power; God’s grace automatically came upon Him and there was evidence when He was baptized by John, the Heaven opened. It is impossible to be a meek man and not experience great level of grace (Hebrews 12:1; Matthew 3:16-17).
Word Affirmation: “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." – 1 Corinthians 1:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“The level of humility you have determines the measure of grace you command."