TEXT: 1 KINGS 1:1-4
Many are praying for breakthroughs, successes and good life today because of the pleasure they thought such a life brings whereas in actually sense they never ever thought about the person they will become when it is well with them. Some have turned to undertakers when they get employment and were promoted in their offices keeping people files and delaying people’s promotions. Don’t just shake your head as if you cannot do the same when you find yourself in such position, the only thing you can do is to beg God to give you a new heart and ask Holy Spirit to help you at the critical time. Many of those evil, wicked directors or officers have been Christians, but it is either they changed the system or the system changed them. David was never such, let us together look at the fourth thing that helped him:
(4) David never allowed success to enter into his head. Beloved, do not forget that success is fleeting. You can be “somebody” one day and “nobody” the next. You can have millions of hard currency in your bank accounts one day and be penniless the next. You can be president of a company one day and custodian the next. You can be healthy one day and in the intensive care unit the next. You can be a proud parent one day and a broken-hearted mother or father the next.
Not even the best stay on top forever. The champ grows older and gets knocked out. Where are the likes of Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, ETC? The current heavyweight champion (Anthony Joshua) will one day become former titleholder too, that’s life and let that sink in your head. Today’s heartthrobs are replaced by tomorrow’s hot new stars. Success was something David constantly wrestled with, not something he put in a trophy case to enjoy the rest of his life. People he conquered rose up to make his life miserable again. A few minutes of unbridled lust—knocked David from the pinnacle and filled his life with heartache. Success, like life itself, is “a vapour that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).
If the Lord sees fit to give you a measure of success in life, enjoy it while you can, but keep things in perspective so when success flies out the window, you will not be tempted to jump out the same window. Remember, in the end, the only success that really matters is hearing God say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21; KJV).
Word Affirmation: Thou (God) prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my cup runs over - Psalm 23:5 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Not even the best stay on top forever.”
Central Truth