MEMORY VERSE: “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be
praised.” – Proverbs 31:30
Late 2019, I saw an advert with the inscription, “Miss Gospel Beauty Pageant” and I asked, “What are we turning Gospel into? The Gospel that cost Jesus the Only Begotten Son of the Father His life, paid with His blood, in which the apostles and fathers suffered and died for, is now being turned into a beauty parade? The greatest mistake in Christendom is to believe that the churches need entertainment to pull crowd. The Kingdom of God is not about the multitude; for narrow is the way that leads to eternal life. Spiritual things cannot be reduced to mere activities, money and fashion and expect righteousness to reign supreme in society.
To sisters, aunties, daughters and mummies, are you aware that naturally you are beautiful more than when you put on those costumes? Just take a look. The problem is, the Devil has blindfolded one’s heart to think that without those costumes you are not beautiful or handsome as a man. The reason for costumes is that many people have forgotten to ask for the glory of God to overshadow them. It is not what you put on that matters, it is your positioning in God. Moderation is the key, too much fashion is bad, and fashion is very tricky, complicated in the sense, there is nothing fashion enters into that it will not mess up.
On my way to church one beautiful Sunday morning, this event caught my attention; this particular man was already in church as a traffic controller, directing vehicles here and there. At the time that I arrived, there was this bike rider who brought two ladies, the man was harassing the bike rider, can’t you see? You cannot park here and drop passengers. When the passengers alighted from the motorbike, the man couldn’t believe who he saw. Behold, it was his daughter and a friend of hers. Right away, in the presence of the people, he exclaimed, what is this? He couldn’t believe what he saw. If you see the way the girl dressed and with the heavy make ups, you will know that this one is dressed to kill. The father was so ashamed of himself. Do you place more emphasizes on fashion, outward appearance and how you look; God does not look at that; He looks at inner beauty.
Esther rode on the horses of beauty pageant to bring glory to God, but many people are organizing or participating today in such today to depart from the glory of God. When a young girl loses her virginity it shows on her face, therefore keep your virginity and beauty for God. God is still looking for an Esther, a Mary and a Martha.
Word Affirmation: "Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied." - Jude 1:2 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Fashion is very tricky, complicated in the sense that there is nothing that fashion enters into that it will not mess up.”