Great multitude of armies came from the neighbouring countries against King Jehoshaphat and the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem, the call for war was so sudden which made Jehoshaphat to be greatly afraid. The battle came to consume them all because the enemies were very determined to waste and slaughter them. The King gathered his people, prayed and fasted unto God to deliver them from the trouble at hand, the answer came, and the Spirit of the Lord delivered a message of hope and repentance, and assured them of victory. The Word of the Lord addressed their fear and showed them how to confront their battle.
King Jehoshaphat’s prayer was so encouraging and prevailing; it is good for a child of God to Know how to plead his course in the presence of God. The King and the people sought the Lord they already know and have relationship with, and He answered them speedily. What do you do in your quiet time, bombarding God with requests upon requests? No, that’s not the right approach to relationship. Imagine a relationship that’s always demanding, today give me, tomorrow, I need this or that; such a relationship will lose it value and the opposite side may design means of avoiding the other. Get to know what your partner is going through and how s/he feels among others, then the relationship will become mutual. Likewise God, He wants a fellowship, He too has needs, and He is looking for whom to send. Ask Him what you can do for Him, ask Him about what He feels concerning a matter and sometimes just surprise Him by acknowledging (worship, praise) His presence, Lordship and Fatherhood, He will also surprise you at all times. We have delayed in our request because we do not know how to service this God.
By the Word of God, Jehoshaphat led a choir to battle instead of an army and the battle was won because God was involved, their enemies were determined to slaughter them but they laughed over them at last. When they got to the battle field, the battle has turned to blessing. Every battle that comes to consume you will turn to your blessings. For good three days, the people of Judah were carrying spoils, rejoicing and laughing and eventually named the valley of blood, the valley of blessing. Let God be involved in all your actions, ask Him to take over your battle and ask Him to be the Lord over your life and you will see that every battle that want to slaughter you will be unto your laughter and rejoicing. When God steps into a matter, it is over. Whatsoever that looks like battles, troubles and problems around you are over in Jesus name. Do not be afraid, asks God to come into your matter and leave it there with Him.
When the people began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against their enemies and they were smitten. For the enemies stood up against one another to slay and destroy themselves. God still cares about His people today, just as He cared about the people of Judah. When you seek to obey Him and follow His way, He will give you blessings. But that does not mean you will never have trials or challenges (John 16:33). When those hard, scary times come, you must turn to God—praying, fasting and studying His Bible and do these not just in troubles time but before trials come. You must see that you cannot handle the challenge on your own. You need God’s help and recognize that God has taken care of His people in the past, and He can be trusted to take care of you now. An answer from God might not come as fast or as clearly as it did to Jehoshaphat. Still, when we seek God and do our part to turn to Him, we can go forward, trusting God to take care of us. We might not know how long the problem will last or how much we will be challenged, but we can know that in the end God will save us and turn it all to blessings. For every battle in your life, you shall laugh over them (amen).
Word Affirmation: “So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man." - Proverbs 3:4 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“God still cares about His people today, just as He cared about the people of Judah. When you seek to obey Him and follow His way, He will give you blessings.”