TEXT: JAMES 2:14-26
MEMORY VERSE: “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces
good deeds, it is dead and useless.” – James 2:17 (NLT)
James 2:14-26 is self-explanatory, what the passage is trying to say is that you must behave your Christianity. Christianity is not by becoming alone, it is also by actions, by good deeds. Faith without works cannot save anyone. You cannot see a hungry man and say to him, God bless you and you walk away; he will mock your prayer. Jesus went about doing good and multitude pressed on Him to hear more, if Jesus behaved like the Pharisees who taught people without any good deeds, His Ministry would not go beyond Nazareth. You cannot neglect the welfare of your people and claim to love God; they will mock your God. Moreover, God will not accept your worship, how can you say you love God and you do not love your neighbour. Remember, Christianity is a way of life and not religion. Do not be over spirituality to forget to help your fellow and brethren within and outside the church.
Faith alone is not enough; our faith is justified by our works. If you believe that, there is one and only true God, devil also believes, so what makes a difference in our Christian journey is our good deeds; if you say you are a believer, and so what? Devil also believes. In the Hall Fame of Faith, Rahab the harlot was mentioned, not because she was a woman of prayer, a choir member or an usher, but because of her good deed; she received the messengers (spies), and sent them out another way when her own people wanted to kill them. She preserved a generation by her action and God reckoned with that, her faith saved her and her entire family; she perished not with unbelievers.
Mary’s name, Jesus said will continue to resonate and mention wherever the Gospel is preached, just because she poured her alabaster box of very precious, costly ointment on His head. Jesus said, wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her (Matthew 26:6-13). Mary believed in Jesus, she had sat at His feet on many occasions and Jesus recognized her but she believed that she must shew her faith, the Person she believed in and she poured her costly ointment on Jesus. Remember, her sister Martha did great service to Jesus, she was busy cooking but there was no place that Jesus said, Martha’s name would be mentioned wherever the Gospel is preached. If you want God to reckon with your faith, do well.
What has your Christianity cost you? Has it cost you your money, time, and resources? If Christianity has not cost you anything, you are not worthy to be called a follower of Christ. Some people cannot boast of giving anything to God, when they are building God’s house, you will see them no more in the church. From Year in and year out, you cannot point to something that you do for those you know or know not. If you say you have faith, do show me your works. Abraham offered his only son, God offered His only begotten Son: what have you offered to God or to any man in the name of God that God say, hey! Here is a (wo)man of faith? Evangelism is dying not because churches are not spending money, but because Christians lack good works. Is your action not the same with unbelievers? You must have a change of attitude, today.
Word Affirmation: "They will see his face. God's name will be written on their foreheads." - Revelation 22:4 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Evangelism is dying not because the churches are not spending money, but because Christians lack good works.”
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