What is the hardest word for you to say and back up with action? For all of us it most likely is the word “no.” It was difficult at times for God to say no when the Israelites wanted something from Him. However, when God did tell them no, He meant it. We have seen the unfaithful report of ten of the twelve spies sent out to survey the land of Canaan. We have examined the reaction and mental defeat of Israel and their resolve that the land was unconquerable. The ten faithless spies were immediately put to death by God. Joshua and Caleb, because of their faith in God, were the only two spies allowed to live.
By their disobedience, Israel was confined to wander in the wilderness, and their conditions could not improve. We will have to handle discipline when it comes. We will have to follow through with our resolve and do what we say we will do. We must be careful what we resolve we are going to do. We will have to be consistent and firm in our commitment. If we do something onetime, we must do it the next time the problem occurs. When discipline is inconsistent, behaviour is inconsistent.
Discipline must be both fair and firm; it must be applied equally. Congregations, like homes, must be managed with a loving but firm guiding hand. When God disciplines, it is out of His love for us (Hebrews 12:5-11). God disciplines only His children. The discipline is administered not for sin’s sake but that character might be built and our lives transformed into the likeness of God. Its end result is to produce maturity and more righteous living in us.
God, while He has limits, is also a God of reason. Moses intervened for Israel and bargained with God, He had the heart of a shepherd in reasoning with God for Israel’s continued existence. Moses reasoned that God had to punish the guilty; that is consistent with His nature. In our struggle against sin, we need to learn to stand for one another and plead for one another to be faithful.
Since God is the standard of righteousness, numbers do not count; being right does. Truth will remain truth whether anyone believes and obeys it or not. What God had promised Israel remained true whether or not they ever went into the land. Their unfaithfulness did not nullify God’s promise and the truthfulness of it. When we make an unpopular decision as parents, we believe we are standing alone. But if it was right to make that decision in the first place, it will remain right whether it is ever appreciated or not.
Word Affirmation: “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage." - Psalm 16:6 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Numbers do not count when it comes to being and do what is right."