If one’s mind is truly renewed, his life will surely be transformed and his way becomes smooth. Complaints change nothing; no amount of it buys anything from the marketplace of life. Most times, the cloud over and situations around us are overwhelming that we think we are all alone, but if we think very deeply we will know that there are so much to thank God for and that we are kept away from solutions simply by who we are inside and what we think on. God can do exceeding abundantly above what we ask or think but it must be according to the power that works in us, we are limited not by God, but by our thoughts. So what power do you have in your inside? Our hearts need to be properly guarded to turn negative situations to our own good. Yes, problems around are overwhelming, but victories available are overlapping if we think aright and see things with the eyes of God.
As bad as things are, it is due to God’s mercies that they are not get worse. Whenever you are in distress ensure you observe what makes for you as well as what makes against you. Things are bad but they might have been worse, and therefore there is hope that they may be better. Like Moses, your bush may be burning but not yet consumed. You may be experiencing persecution daily, but note that you are not forsaken by God. Though cast down, you are not yet destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:9), refined in the furnace as silver, but not consumed as dross. God’s mercies are all over you more than you think; His mercies are abundance and variety. God is an inexhaustible fountain of mercy.
God's compassions fail not; they do not really fail, no, not even when in anger he seems to have shut up his tender mercies. These rivers of mercy run fully and constantly, but never run dry. No; they are new every morning; every morning you have fresh instances of God's compassion towards you; our comforts may fail, but not His compassion. Whatever hard things we suffer, we must never entertain any hard thoughts of God, but must still be ready to own that he is both kind and faithful. You might have lost all that you have in this world, but God is the reason why you have not lost everything.
Suicide rates are high in the world today because many of the victims have not thought about the mercies of God. When His compassion came to them, they were busy looking at the past. The mercy of the Lord will never take you to your past, but has the capacity to take you through the future. If there is anything that you need more today, it is the mercy of the Lord. Ask for God’s mercies, the same mercy delivered the Israelites from the house of bondage, the same parted the Red Sea, and same killed Og king of Bashan (Psalm 136). Therefore hope in the mercy of the Lord and stay upon Him, and encourage yourself in Him, when all other supports and encouragements fails.
Word Affirmation: I have light, and gladness, and joy, and honour - Esther 8:16 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“If one’s mind is truly renewed, his life will surely be transformed and his way becomes smooth.”
Central Truth