Before you kick-start the journey, remember nobody run a race and carry bag pack, your baggage must be lighted to run your race. Have you ever seen an athlete running 100 or 10,000 metres race that carries bag pack? Never! You don't need to go into the race of this year with excesses and unnecessary loads. To have a winning end this year, refuse to have anything against anybody; let your mind be free in order to receive new things. If your heart is fully occupied with negativity, how do you receive new things that will better your lots in the year? You must baggage off. It is a normal practices in aviation industry, airlines inform all passengers ahead of time the amount of luggage they need to carry, though they are entitled to carry as many luggage as they can if ready to pay for the excesses, it is the passenger’s choice. Do you intend to go far and be ahead in this New Year? Be lighter. Drop unforgiving, malice, bitterness, gossip, unnecessary conversations, and every sin that easily beset from your load. Drop anything that may hinder your speed and successes in the New Year.
Another baggage to put off in this New Year is the old year, you must put the past behind you. God says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall sprout; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” - Isa 43:18-19. Focus on the New Year and not on the past. You have no capacity to live in the past, it is only God that go back to the past; forget it and look into the future with hope and expectation. Whatever you did not achieve last year, you have a New Year to bring them to pass; God is giving you another chance, the same 365 days, 24 hours, 7days a week to launch and try again. You have a great opportunity to catch bigger fish and fulfill your purpose in time. Your time has come and now is the time.
The Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt when they were under severe suffering in the wilderness; they remembered the flesh pots, bread eaten to the full, forgetting the hardship of 430 years, they were punished by God for considerating such an idea (Exodus 16:1-3). There is nothing good about the past that any man can hold on to. If God says remember not the former things, it means there is nothing good about it. Behold, God is doing New Things which shall spring forth now.
Only believe with all your heart and look unto God for there is still window in heaven. Put your trust absolutely in God and let Him be your focus. Mountain climbers do not carry bag pack; it will be too heavy for them. Go, go forward and think ahead and beyond. Fill your heart with positivity, no matter your present circumstance, look beyond it and above all, be happy. Smile always, rejoice in the Lord and affect others with joy that flows from the heart (Philippians 4:1-9). You cannot miss your flight, if you carry less baggage; border security officers will check you less and you will gain much time to pass through necessary gates. Have a safe flight in the New Year.
Word Affirmation: “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." - Psalm 16:10 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Do you intend to go far and be ahead in this New Year? Be lighter."