MEMORY VERSE: “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle,
or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” – Ephesians 5:27
This day, I write to you husband and wife to love and submit to one another as commanded by God the Almighty. At a meeting recently, I heard a friend explaining to us what people are going through in their marriages; it is alarming that man and woman that supposed to be best of friends are enemies of their souls. Most women today are tired of their relationships, and some of them are dying in silence, they cannot open up to anybody, those who opened up could not find meaningful solutions to their marital challenges. The current divorce rate in Nigeria is becoming alarming, separation rates in 2018 saw a 14% increase across the whole population, according to Nigeria population by Marital Status 0.72% of the entire population are divorce, 0.86% separated, 1.97% widowed, 50.01% Married and 46.44% Never Married (see https://nigeria.opendataforafrica.org/yjdggyg/nigeria-population-by-marital-status). The rate of divorce and separation is not good for the peace of any society.
Many people have said problems in any marriage are more of behavioural than of spiritual, but I will rather say problems in marriage is all about lack of spiritual understanding than of behavioural (Genesis 3:1-20). God instituted marriage and according to our memory verse, the essence of marriage as instituted by God is that husband and wife presents their marriages to God at the end of their life’s journey, a glorious church - not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. There are so many spots in marriages today, some marriages are wearing wrinkled outlooks, many marriages are already ruined and if you read newspapers daily, you will see how husbands or wives are filing for divorce or separation world over. How do you want your marriage to be depending on your level of understanding, spirituality and God’s Word at your disposal?
In real sense, the mind of God for you is to have a worthy and honourable home. There are different kinds of marriages today and in the Bible, so whatever that is happening in homes and marriages today is not new to God. David, a man after God’s heart had eight wives (so you might see a pastor who is having another woman somewhere else, it is not new), his son Solomon, according to the biblical account, he had 700 wives and 300 concubines (also (wo)men having extra-marital affairs). His grandson, Rehoboam took eighteen wives and sixty concubines while Abijah David’s great grandchild married fourteen wives (1 Kings 11:3; 1 Chro. 14:3; 2 Chro. 11:21; 13:21). These are homes and marriages in the Bible and what many people in our days refer to, saying David was a man after God’s heart and did marry more than one wife, how come, why can’t I marry more than one woman? Beloved, whose reports will you belief, the One who instituted marriage or those who copied marriage to suit their selfish desires? God who instituted marriage established it between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18-25). Therefore, seeing a Christian who marries more than one wife or husband is not of God. Husband and wife make your home a worthy one.
Word Affirmation: "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." - Psalm 147:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“How do you want your marriage to be depending on your level of understanding, spirituality and the Word of God at your disposal?”
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