When Paul spoke of beloved children, he was referring to the members of Christ’s body, those who have heard the gospel and responded in obedience (John 14:15). It is only because God loves the world that His children are able to love Him and one another (1 John 4:19). The convert understands that God’s love is more devoted than a parent’s love for a child. When one understands how much God loves him, he naturally loves God in return. This love offers security and contentment to those who are struggling in the world! Because you have come to understand just how much God loves you, you now express love to God (Galatians 2:20).
The devotion to love compels Christians to grow in certain ways. Christians desire to “be” like God. The Christian is one who is becoming an imitator of God. He is devoted to the consuming passion of being like God. This does not occur instantly; it requires time. As a new Christian, you have begun this process! In order for you to achieve the objective, you must give attention to the goal! Christians are imitators of God. The Christian is able to mimic God by following His example and obeying His commands. Small children often mimic the behaviour of their parents. It is not unusual for a son to be told that he is exactly like his father or for a daughter to hear that she is just like her mother. In the same way, Christians are to be imitators of the heavenly Father. Over time, we are to become like Him. Those who are just beginning the Christian walk ought to be excited about starting a process of being transformed into imitators of God!
Christians are known as God’s beloved children. The devotion of the Christian to the heavenly Father is like that of a child to his earthly father. The child looks with great respect and loves to the father and takes a special pride in being known as the son [or daughter] of… This pride is intensified when the child understands that the father loves him with such a strong love! As a new Christian, you now have this relationship with your heavenly Father. What a wonderful blessing you possess in being assured that you are God’s beloved child!
Christians are devoted to God. This devotion is not demonstrated by grudging submission to rules and regulations. Following a rigid spiritual discipline or numbering the times you pray cannot maintain this devotion. Neither will keeping a list of all the sins you have confessed assure this devotion. Rather, you must maintain your devotion by keeping your focus upon God and upon His Son who loved you and gave Himself up for us. When you love unseen God through men you can see, then you are fulfilling God’s commandment and on this basis He welcome you home on the last day. Are you committed to loving God? Keep at it!
Word Affirmation: “The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more." - Zephaniah 3:15 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“When one understands how much God loves him, he naturally loves God in return."