To understand this topic, do read Life Beyond the Average 1-4.
42. Don't stand for something. Too much pressure. Why would I stand for something? I don't believe in anything. 43. Don't know your values. Why would I know the values behind every single action I take? 44. Do shameful acts. 45. Don't take action. I need to think this through. I can't just take action and learn from my results? 46. Don't feel grateful. Scarcity is how I go through life. I want more and more, why would I feel appreciative of what I have? 47. Have too much debt. 48. Don't plan your days. Whatever happens, happens. Why would I plan my most important activities day by day? 49. Don't develop a skill stack. Why would I spend my free-time learning new skills that will help me make more money and reach higher levels of success? 50. Don't assert yourself. Maybe they can read my mind and I don't have to tell them how it is.
51. Be low status. 52. Don't work on your weaknesses. If I work on my weaknesses then I'll be exposed. 53. Don't learn people skills. Someone living an average life will not learn how to read body language, vocal tonality and how ideas are communicated. Definitely not. 54. Leaves your future up to chance. If it's meant to happen, it will happen. My action and decisions have nothing to do with it. 55. Spend hours on social media. If I truly want to live an average life I got to clock in my time on social media! What are other people doing? I got to know. 56. Don't move. Grow up in the same area and make sure to stay there for the rest of your life. 57. Don't take responsibility for your life. It's not up to you to change your situation. Maybe someone else will. Responsibility is for others, not you. 58. Be average. Point blank. Think inside the box. Be average in everything you do. Think Average. Have an average body. Have an average job. It's different per person. But you know exactly what it is.
May you come to the knowledge of your purpose and destiny. Receive the grace to become what Heaven want you to become.
Word Affirmation: "And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved." - Psalm 30:6 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“To get results, be ready for action."