6. Speak the Word always – The written Word must be spoken before you can see it effects. You must confess the Word of God always; it is the antidote to fear. Let the word of God be the alpha and omega of every conversation you will have. Remember, it is the battle of the word. If you are strong like giant and speak like rat, one will be destroyed; David defeated Goliath not by physical sword but by the spiritual sword, your WORD is your SWORD. The Word of God is a Spirit and so your words, remember, the world came by the Word and to take over the world, you must speak the Word.

7. Don’t be afraid of failure – Many people are dying in their situations because they do not want to fail. Failure to act is an act of fear. A man of God said, when he read he has been given power to tread upon scorpions and serpents; he fasted for many days and went to a mortuary closed by and told the attendant to open the door of the place for him that he wants to raise the dead. He said, the attendant opened the door of the mortuary and asked, man of God, which one? He said, he prayed and nothing happened. He then packed his Bible and left. Several years later, he did not only raise the dead, he turned a whole nation upside down with God’s messages of liberty.

8. Develop a grateful heart – Be even grateful for nothing. Have a grateful heart, thank God for little thing, thank God for unanswered prayers, thank God for un-opening doors, thank God for unpleasant surprises. This is not easy, but if you can do this even in the face of adversity, fear will never known your address and you will get your portion cheaply. In everything give thanks. No farmer should lose heaven because of what they experience yearly, all farmers should be grateful. The essence of harvest event in churches is for farmers to appreciate the faithfulness of God. You can imagine, you plant two pieces of corn (maize) and bunch of it came. You planted ordinary potato leaf, and many tubers of potatoes were harvested, it can only be God. Be grateful, beloved. This is an attitude that brings about possibilities. When the hearts praise God, the earth will yield her harvest (Psalm 67, 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

9. Know that what you fear does not exist – 99% of our fear does not exist; it only exists in our mind. In reality, our fears do not always come to pass, except if you focus on it. Many people do not like travelling because of fear of accident, but in short, one will travel safely when you do with faith embark on such a journey. The devil just wants to scare heaven out of you. Note, fear don’t exist, only the Word of God. The Israelites got to the Promised Land, wall of Jericho saw them and crumbled, River Jordan could not stand them and here were a people who feared greatly when reports about the land came.

10. Know who you are – In God, you are somebody. You are gods, the Son of the Most High (Psalm 82:6, Galatians 3:26). You command what Jesus commanded and greater works you will do (John 14:12). You have absolute power and grace to conquer territories. Christ has redeemed you from every curse of the law; you then live a life of victory. You are dead to shame, disgrace and defeat; they had no power against you. You are a joint-Heir with Christ. But as long as the child remains a baby, differs not from a Servant.

Word Affirmation: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus - Galatians 3:26 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“ The Word of God is a Spirit and so your words, remember, the world came by the Word and to take over the world, you must speak the Word. ”

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