Jacob received his father’s blessings twice within twenty-four hours and God also gave him several promises on his way to Padanaram when he fled from the presence of his brother Esau, who had purposed to kill him. God met him on his way, in the dream God stood on top of a ladder in which Angels ascending and descending to bring Jacob up, but he never climbed! The Word of God is God and His Words created all things, in Him (the Word of God) we live, we move and have our being. This was the same Word that came to Jacob to bring him into his destiny. But from his utterances after this encounter, one will know Jacob did not comprehend what the Word of God actually is. He said, surely the Lord was in this place and he knows not and he began to setup stones to call it the place of God. He never climbed the ladder to his destiny; he did not understand the promises and left on his journey contrary to the Will of God for his life (Genesis 29:1). He postponed his divine, original destiny (as it is in Heaven); the journey that supposed to take him not more than twenty-four hours took him more than twenty years to accomplish. Jacob was never going to be the same again and he was never Jacob because he left the plan of God for Padanaram. He postponed God’s rising on him, the sun that set on him in Genesis 28:11 (which supposed to rise within twelve hours) never rose until twenty years after (Genesis 32:31). He wasted the best part of his life, pay for it dearly and answer foolish question at his old age.
Jacob’s case look like that of many of us today, we think we can achieve anything on our own. Many are cutting corners to achieve their plans, stealing, robbing, etc. The kind of attitudes and behaviours of some people shows that God is not involved in their Journey. They cannot say, this is what God want me doing. God is saying come, Jacob misplaced where God is talking to him as the house of God forgetting what God want to do. Buying a car, building beautiful houses and all of good things may be in the plan of God for your life but you have achieved that in your own way, by your strength, not by God. I am here to let you know that even Jacob achieved all those but none of it entered into the Promised Land with him, he entered his divine destiny as a person with disability. The wife he wasted his over twenty years of his life for died prematurely on the way (even in his journey). His sun never rose until after twenty years.
If you do not have more years to waste, today is the right day, now is the acceptable time to turn to God and climb your own ladder of destiny. There is one thing to achieve your goals, there is another to receive the glory of God over your life, for the glory of God makes the difference. There is nothing you can become apart from what the Words of the Lord says, you might think but I am prospering, I am an achiever, just wait and see. You will soon realize that the Almighty is God Over Destinies (GOD). His promise to us today is to arise and shine, for our light is come and His glory has risen upon us.
Like Jacob, you never come to the light of God’s word. You never come to Jesus, thinking God is with you; if not why are you prospering. You will soon know. So before it is too late, come to Christ today so that you can fulfill your divine destiny. God want you to become a car dealer, but because you are driving a car around, you thought you have arrived, you are not in the plan of God, you are in Padanaram. Padanaram is a place of no destiny fulfilment, it is a place where powers that be frustrate one’s glory; it is a place where destinies are captured. May God deliver you from such place today, Amen.
Word Affirmation: “And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation." - Psalm 35:9 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ None of what Jacob achieved in Padanaram entered into the Promised Land with him, he entered his divine destiny as a person with disability. "