Padanaram is NOT paradise; it is “Destiny Haram”. Let us look at what usually happens in Padanaram when the one with divine mandate misses his way to the land. From the account of Jacob, the very first thing he did was to grab Rachael and kissed her. It is strange, Jacob was meeting somebody for the first time and the next thing to do is to begin to kiss a stranger, even before Jacob revealed his identity, he and Rachel had gone deep in kissing each other. It is not him; it is because he was in a strange land, a land that consumes one’s destiny. Let me tell you, such relationship do not last. You will soon regret it.
It is impossible to take right step in a wrong location; Padanaram is a land of mistake. The very first mistake Jacob did was to kiss Rachael. In Genesis 24 when Abraham sent his chief servant to go and pick a wife from the same Padanaram, before Elieazar entered this same city, be prayed a targeted prayer unto God of his master but do you remember Jacob’s prayer, “if God will give me bread to eat and raiment to wear.” He had forgotten the message of his father Isaac to go and pick a wife, and the divine destiny God had in plan for him. A servant prayed and did his assignment in 24hours; Jacob pray amiss, began to kiss and missed his destiny for over 20years. He chose his wife by himself, not God.
Beloved, your present location where you are living now, is it by God’s instruction or your own plan? Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, can you boldly claim that it is God that sent you to the land or ask you to be doing what you are doing. There may be a well of water and the city is giving you want you want at the initial stage, a time will come when situation will not be the same and you begin to question your existence in the land or on the job. You cannot resides in Padanaram and fulfil God’s destiny, you must go out. SIN simply means, “Simple Instruction Neglected”.
Many people ordinarily will not do certain things, but sometimes it is strange to see them doing what they do not love at all. There some who do not like fornicating but unknown to them they just do it, there are people who hate adultery with passion but will never know when they find themselves on the internet watching pornography. It is strange; it is because you are not in your location. When you are living in the land the Almighty divinely allocated to you and you are living in His will as laid in the book written of you in heaven, you will live a godly life no matter what others are doing in Padanaram. However, if you are not in your right location, as you kissing Rachael, you will be dating Leah and have more than enough side chicks, girlfriends, boyfriends and the likes. Gradually you are going, gradually, you are missing your destiny.
My message to you this day is this; it is NOT too late to come out of your Padanaram. For a man with divine destiny, Padanaram is not the right place to be. Anything can be your Padanaram, it maybe the course you are studying or the work you are doing; it may also be wo(man) you wish to marry like Jacob and/or the house you are living. It may even be your birthplace, It may be anything. Pray to God to open your eyes and reveal your original. May you find God’s purpose and fulfil His Will in Jesus name. No matter how nice or kind you are in Padanaram, you will never be spared with their evil agenda. May God in His infinite mercies make a way of escape for you. Amen!
“For a man with divine destiny, Padanaram is not the right place to be.”