Many people today have not yet understood the things of God and how He works. Many desires the gifts rather than the Giver and lots in the church want His acts and not His person or Way. In addition to this, many people think they can buy Him with their tithes, offerings and sacrificial giving when the source of their wealth is questionable. A lot of people are in the house of God to enjoy God’s grace, thinking their deeds and services will cover their sins, as they want to continue in their sinful way and never come to repentance.
God in His infinite mercies called unto Jacob due to His love for His fathers and covenant relationship He had with Abraham. He revealed the blueprint of how Jacob’s future will look like to him but he never understood or pondered on it for a second. Immediately, he woke up from his sleep, the next thing he did was to erect stones and called it a house. Is God not everywhere or is He living in a house built with stones? Many people behaves like Jacob today, they have never heard from God and yet ventured into ministry, maybe they only saw God’s flashing, they never wait to hear what He (God) want to say, the next thing is to start a ministry and giving themselves title. It is a pity; many people have lost God long ago.
In Genesis 28:15, God had already said to Jacob that He would be with him and keep him in all the places he wanted to go and bring him safely back home. God continues, “For I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.” But because Jacob had missed the promised, listen to his prayers: “If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God: and this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.“
God said, he had blessed Jacob, but he (Jacob) was making requests God had already answered. Most people do not hold on to God’s word and never understood the Word of God, this is the real problem confronting the people. Many people are holding Bibles, go for Bible studies but has never encountered the Word of God. God had already told Jacob He will be with him and keep him, but he was saying, “if God”. Because he had set out his mind to go on his journey, all what God said was nothing to him. According to Jacob, God will never be his God until He gives him want to eat and what to wear. Are you not going to church or serving God because of what to eat and what to put on? It is an irony that many people have turned the houses of God to welfare and orphanages, many goes to services where they will get food items and things, pretending to love God and His works. Alas! They never seen the Word of God, even though they do carry Bibles all around, it is what to eat and what to wear, they are busy looking for, and such will never climb the ladder of grace.
Jacob prayed to God; God, it is when you bless me with foods and raiment that you can be my God. Now that I am struggling, you cannot be my God; that is the implication of his prayers if you read this passage carefully. God cannot have his all except ten percent as if God is hungry and needs his money. God was not looking for tithe and offering from Jacob, what God was looking for was Jacob himself. God had created nations in him but Jacob is seeing bread and raiment. Many of us have removed God from our journey hence when we pray there is no answer. We never pray the heart of God, we never asked for what God want concerning our matters. We go to prayer meetings, to mountains and to even disturb our pastors with our challenges. We never climb the ladder of grace when God was calling hence the reason why we are spending years in that situation. I pray that God opens your eyes to see what He want you to see and do what He want you to do in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Word Affirmation: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." - Isaiah 10:27 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ It is an irony that many have turned the house of God to welfare and orphanages, many goes to services where they will get foods and jobs pretending to love God and His works. "