TEXT: PSALMS 37:1-40
In a society where men of integrity are scarce, where stealing, robbery, kidnapping, banditry and corruption are the order of the day, how do we mark a perfect man? Are you one? Oh! Would you say no one is perfect? Some people will even say God knows human beings are not perfect, but His Book says, “Mark the perfect man… “ (Psalm 37:37). If men cannot attain unto perfection, God will not demand perfection from us”. It was still the same world that God found His servant Job and bragged about him to the Devil that we live in today. How many people can God vouch for or brag about in front of the devil in today’s world? Abram received the Promise at seventy-five, twenty-four years later; he had yet to receive the Promise but God was still telling him, “…to walk before Him and be perfect” – Gen. 17:1
Roman 12:1 shows a need to present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord. In verse 2, He says, “… be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. As a Christian, you must STAND OUT from the crowd, away from whatever other people around you are doing. You are the light of the world; therefore, you must shine and shine brighter too. Never mind, if no one recognizes you, walk upright. You are not others; you do not have to behave like them (Job 8:20). Remember, God is taking note.
In deeds and actions, you must NOT conform to this world. Wickedness abounds and increases every day, people are committing all manners of atrocities to survive and to become famous, but if you can trust in God the Almighty (absolutely), He will bless you beyond measure. The Psalmist warns us not to fret ourselves at evil doers; God will never forsake the righteous. It may look as if God has forgotten His own people, no! If you read our text for today, you will realize that the wicked is cursed already. The wicked shall soon be cut off like grass no matter the position they occupied today and withered like herbs. As a believer who fear God, trust in the Lord and do good and you shall be fed in the land and “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good (the best) of the land” - Isaiah 1:19.
No matter the situation, be ready to live a righteous and holy life. You know the end of the wicked; it shall NOT be well with them so say the Lord. As for the upright and perfect man, the word of God says, their end is peace. Peace can mean so many POSITIVE things, so I declare you shall experience the peace of the Lord and His blessings shall come upon you and yours. Have a perfect and glorious day.
Word Affirmation: “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace." - Psalm 37:37 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“As a Christian, you must STAND OUT from the crowd, away from whatever other people around you are doing."
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