Looking at a man who lives a life of average is scary; let’s examine some of his habits the more: 22. Look for shortcuts, supplements. I know everyone preaches to work hard on a task; however, I'm sure I can find this one shortcut. 23. Try to make everyone happy. It's a false pursuit and I end up being sadder than the rest. I know this deep at my core, but I continue to go down this path. 24. Afraid of being alone. I can't be alone because that's when all the anxiety kicks in. 25. Don't have integrity. I give my word left and right, people will understand when I'm not in integrity. Can't they see I have a ton of pressure? 26. Think money is evil. Money is the root of all evil. It makes people horrible! I don't want any but I actually really do! 27. Worry constantly. I care a lot and therefore I must worry. I know I'm always stressing but isn't that how life is supposed to be?
28. Don't have control of your thoughts. 29. Live on salary and never invest. I'm not making enough! My bills are too high! 30. Live in the past or the future. Remember the good old days? What could life be like in the future? Beloved, come back to reality. 31. Live without purpose. Robot. Day by day. Just like the movie click. No purposeful action. No purposeful intention. Robotic. Run by negative habits that were picked up from our lacklustre environment. 32. Discuss other people rather than ideas.
33. Argue to prove your point rather than learn the truth. I must be right. Being right is directly correlated to how I see myself. 34. React to everything. 35. Don't dream. You got to focus on reality. What's this dreaming and having goals all about? It's not like you'll achieve it. 36. Don't take responsibility for your emotions. It's not my problem that I'm upset, angry, happy or anxious. 37. Avoid challenges. I'm happy to stay here. In my comfortable comfort zone. 38. Feel threatened by the success of others. 39. Ignore all feedback. Listen. Like these fools know better? I know exactly what I'm doing at all times. 40. Give up your power. I never feel powerful no matter what I do, I might as well give it up to my superiors. 41. Find happiness in things.
I hope you become a better you, do away with what I have mentioned today and you see your life progressing. Have a wonderful day.
Word Affirmation: "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." - Romans 10:4 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Ignorance will make people to ignore you."