And They Remember His Words (Part 3)

TEXT: LUKE 24:41-46
MEMORY VERSE: “Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.
” – Luke 24:45
The death of Jesus was a big blow to the disciples, even when Christ had revealed himself, his mission, sufferings, death and what will later happened to them; the events after the death of Jesus showed that the Word of Jesus was not in their hearts. Angels had to remind the women of the prophecy of Jesus that He would rise the third day. The eyes of the two disciples returning to Emmaus had to be opened by Jesus Himself, He had to work hundreds of miles with them before they could be back in the Word. Not only that, even when the Eleven disciples of Jesus gathered and he appeared to them, the Bible says, they believed not even when Jesus was present bodily. He took Jesus another round of preaching and physical demonstration for them to believe.
What is your reaction to life’s situation? Where and who do you turn to when challenges arise? Unbelief, doubt and fear filled and fuelled the lives of the disciples, forgotten that the Word is alive. The Word came, eat and dine with them yet they do not believe. Unbelief is a great disease. A double-minded person will not receive any good thing from God. Beloved, I urge you this day to have faith in the Word of God, whatever He says He will do, will surely come to pass (James 1:6-7). The word of God can never fails. Based all your requests, prayers and supplications on the Word of God and have a strong faith in Him and you will see your desires coming to pass.
Do not behave like the disciples, even when they see Jesus, they never believed. Remember, Peter obeyed the Word of Jesus, he walked on the water but when he looked away from the Word, he drowned. Make the Word of God your mirror, shield and covering. Ask God to open your understanding about His Word, God is the Word and so the Word is He and therefore everything in this world must conform to the Word. Rely on what is written concerning you and not what you are going through and all shall be well with you.
Christ liveth and because He lives, you can face any life’s situation, you have been empowered. Build your life, your home, your marriage, your finances and everything you do upon the Word of God. If the Word of God is available, every other things will be. Strive to receive the Word of God concerning any situation of your life, ask God to speak concerning the matter and once He speaks that settles it. Never forget the Word of God.
“The Word of God can never fails. Based all your requests, prayers and supplications on the Word of God and have a strong faith in Him and you will see your desires coming to pass.”
Central Truth