Why is it that Christians have not learned to accept the grace and love and mercy of God? Why is it that the world cannot receive His grace? First, there is self-sufficiency and a bad case of human pride. It takes humility to accept a gift without earning it. We like to chart everything out so we can be worthy and make it on our own. Nobody wants charity. Some people have never learned to accept a compliment. A lady was complemented on her new coat and she replied: “Oh, it is nothing much. I got it at a cheaper price.” Another was told her hair was beautiful and she said, “It’s really nothing; I did it myself.” And a preacher is told he had a good sermon and he alienates by a response that is cold and indifferent. What is the problem? Simply, an inability to receive and to receive in love.

Second, there is a bad self-image. Many out of Christ have a difficult time believing He died for sinners and for them especially. They look on such a gift as too good to be true. They simply have been too bad for something this good to come their way. Sin, with its devastating power to twist human reason and logic, to arouse intense guilt, has once again deceived. The devil uses this failure of human nature to his advantage and keeps souls from Christ. It, therefore, can be easily seen how far-reaching the failure in the grace of receiving reaches.

There is no life design to give alone; it is also within the right and privileges of every man and woman to give and to receive. At some point, a man may need encouragement, though he may be an ardent giver, so somebody needs to step in and give him such encouragement. The grace to receive is also giving to the giver as well. The earth receives rain from above, it gives her increase. God gave His only begotten So to receive (gain) the entire universe. If you give love, you are equally expected to receive love. In conclusion, let your giving be more than your receiving, for it is MORE blessed to give than to receive.

Word Affirmation: “And there shall be no more curse." - Revelation 22:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“ There is no life design to give alone; it is also within the right and privileges of every man and woman to give and to receive. "