Most of us, when we look back on our own lives, see the hand of God operating in our lives. I don’t know of anyone in the church who doesn’t believe in the providence of God. The book of Esther says that God is not far away from us. He is not on the back side of the universe taking a nap. He is near us and concerned about us. Reading the entire Book of Esther, you will realize that God could have allowed you and me to be born in any other century or in any other country. But He chose for us to be born in this century and in whatever country you were born. Because He chose this century and country, I would rather live in this time than in any other time in the history of the church or the world. I believe God had a reason for putting me here. I believe He had a reason for putting you here. I believe that there is a work that each one can do. I believe that we ought to seek with all our hearts the will of God and then comply with the will of God from our hearts.

Have you ever wondered if God cares for you? During times of great loss or spiritual dryness, it can be difficult to see God's hand in our lives. Maybe you know God cares in the big scheme of things, but you wonder if he tends to or guides our steps on a more day-to-day basis. You are not alone. Even great figures of faith like Naomi, in the book of Ruth, have questioned whether "the Lord’s hand has turned against” them (Ruth 1:13b). Job stuttered and could not comprehend the events around his life and never known that everything work together for good to those who loved God and called according to His purpose. Whatever situation you find yourself, know that it is for your own good and see God therein. If you can see God therein, ask Him to make known His purpose and plan, what lessons He wants you to learn and the way out of it. Whether you are conscious or unconscious about your situation, with time you will see the Hands of God in your situation.

Sooner or later almost every believer wonders whether or not God is involved in their lives. When they do, they are wondering about God's providence. What is providence? Well, at a most basic level, the definition of providence is contained in the first seven letters of the word itself: p-r-o-v-i-d-e. God provides for our lives. This divine provision is called God’s providence. Therefore, believe and rely on God’s provision, He will supply your needs if you follow His instructions, there are still windows in Heaven and water can still spring forth from the desert. If the grave cannot hold back Jesus, no door can stop God’s supply and provisions in your life. Only believe and you shall see the glory of God. Go forward, press further and whatever you desire will be delivered unto your doorsteps. No matter the situation and circumstance, it shall turn to you for a testimony (Luke 21:13). You are not alone, for God is with you, always.

Word Affirmation: “ I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." – John 14:18 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“ You are not alone, for God is with you, always. "