One of the greatest blessings to man is rest. Rest is the prospect of complete relaxation from stresses. It is awaiting all who faithfully follow God’s will (Revelation 14:13b). Many seek this rest, but their search is in vain, because they fail to understand what true “rest” is. The confused concept of “rest” is illustrated by an old legend that tells of a conversation between a rabbi and his brethren, the seven pillars of wisdom. The legend tells that they once sat in the temple on a feast day discussing the blessing of rest. One said that rest was possible if one has sufficient wealth without sin. The second said it was fame and praise of all men. To the third, it was the possession of governing power. To the fourth, it consisted only in a happy home.

The fifth asserted that rest is only found in the old age of those who are rich, powerful, famous, and surrounded by their children’s children. The sixth said that all thus spoken was vain unless one kept all the ritual laws of Moses. The rabbi then said, “You have all spoken wisely, but one thing more is necessary: only he can find rest who, to all of these things, adds this—that he keeps the traditions of the elders.” There was sitting in the court a young boy who had heard the discussion. He looked at the group and said, “Nay Fathers, he only loves rest who loves his brother as himself, and God with his whole heart and soul. This is greater than wealth and fame and power, happier than a happy home, better than honored age, he is a law to himself and above all tradition.” The doctors of the law were astonished because they judged the innocent’s words the wisest spoken that day.

Habakkuk had come to realize that genuine rest is not found in material possessions. All who trust in material possessions find nothing but weeping, woes, and pain because of the failure of all that they have trusted for security. When we seek rest in material possessions, we are making a foolish choice. Most want to find happiness through the world’s prescription rather than through devotion to God. Our circumstances may be terrible; yet we also can find peace, joy, and rest by believing that God is greater than our circumstances. Consider Paul’s imprisonment. He was imprisoned by false accusation and prejudice. The amazing thing to consider is that Paul wrote the Philippians letter while imprisoned. That letter is known as “The Epistle of Joy.” In it Paul stated, “I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12). These words provide insight to Paul’s attitude when he was facing dire circumstances. How can we develop this same inner happiness when circumstances threaten to steal our rest? Habakkuk’s situation provides us with a four­step formula.

Word Affirmation: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." - John 14:18 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“ All who trust in material possessions find nothing but weeping, woes, and pain because of the failure of all that they have trusted for security. "