Christian journey is easy, lighter and not burdensome if we undertake the journey based on the laid down principles set up by Jesus Christ. The Christian journey is difficult for some because they think they can run the race or embark on the journey with their own strengths, lack of understanding and neglecting basic tenets of faith. Christ did not come to heap heavy loads on us; He came to lessen our burdens. Then how come it seems many believers are finding it difficult to follow Christ and become like Him. How come we are full of good deeds but having bad attitudes?
Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” - (Matthew 11:30). But it seems the more will follow Christ, the more the problems. Prayers become burdensome, fasting is difficult, to mention but few. Many find activities in Christendom burdensome because they do not really understand what Christianity means; Christianity is not about which church you attend or what position you occupy. Christianity is what you become and behave. It is dead to self and taking up the life of Christ. To receive new life, one must died to self first. Many of us are living in our sins while taking up the life of Christ, no matter how we cover our sins; it will come out one day.
So it is of great importance for Christ to teach us in order to have a proper perspective and understanding about the ultimate goal of God for man which is to make Heaven and enter into the Kingdom of God. When He opened His mouth, he began to preach a message of right attitudes so as to attain God’s goal. In this series, we will be taking in lessons from the Sermon on the Mount as delivered by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Beatitude” is from the Latin word beatus, which means “blessed” or “happy.” In the more common translations, each verse begins with the word “blessed.” “Blessed” is a translation of the Greek word maka¿rioß (makarios), which basically means “blessed, happy.” In my own words, I will rather say, the Beatitudes are the attitudes of the believers, the core behaviours of Heaven-bound Christians, what we must become in order to live a peaceable and happy life. Many of us are so familiar with the Sermon on the Mount that we are unaware of the impact it must have had on those who first heard it. Jesus’ principles were so radical that, after each statement, He probably had to pause until the crowd quieted down enough for Him to continue. Almost every teaching of Christ went contrary to worldly wisdom and Jewish thinking. Therefore, it is important for us to consider this teaching so as to measure up with Christ’s standards of living.
The very first statement Jesus made is: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:3. How can one be poor in spirit to inherit the Kingdom of God? Literally, the word, poor means being broke, lack, inferior or low in quality. So why would Jesus says, a poor person in the spirit will inherit the Kingdom. What does it takes to become poor in spirit. What is the meaning of this particular verse? What’s the concern of Jesus and why is it making these statements to be His first message? Is it a sin to be rich, to build houses, or buying cars? Let us continue tomorrow as the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and hearts to this first attitude of the believers.
Word Affirmation: “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." - Proverbs 16:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Christianity is not about which church you attend or what position you occupy. Christianity is what you become and behave. It is dead to self and taking up the life of Christ.”