Jesus saw two boats by the Lake Gennesaret, empty, neatly ashore; while the fishermen were gone out of them washing their nets after a hopeless labour, He stepped into one of them. When Jesus entered into Simon’s boat, the owner of the second boat did not leave in annoyance. He did not say why must He enter into Peter’s boat, is it only Him? Here, we will learn about power of collaboration. Many Christians have lost their destinies because they cannot work with others. The reason why there are proliferation of churches and ministries are not because of Kingdom’s expansion, but simply because men, the so called born again cannot at some point share in the vision of the leader or that the leader is too selfish to think he is the boss, he owns the vision and he can ride and rule over the people.
Everybody wants to become a CEO. Oh, you don’t know I have a vision. God laid it strongly in my heart to start a work for Him, even though it may not be God or the time is not yet. The reason why many people are not getting results may be due to the fact that they are not ready to collaborate with others, not ready to feel and become empty, so they are not fit for use. Have you ever seen God or any man using a filled up container? No! Men look for empty vessels. James and John, Peter’s partners would never leave him alone, though the Lord did not call unto them to make use of their boat. They behaved wisely and when Jesus finished His assignment, not only that Peter’s boat was filled, the two boats were about to sink and their nets broken because Peter had caught great multitude of fishes. Note, this people did not do anything to warrant the blessings received, but Jesus called to Peter cost him a lot: thrusting the boat, throwing up his own washed net again into the river and drawing those fishes alone until he beckoned on them for assistance.
Many people did not know that when God give an assignment someone: a friend, a family member or a partner; it is possibly to bless them if they cooperate with the man God called. But to their shame, men will find a way of quitting the relationship, become an hindrance, duplicate the vision and possibly attack the vision. They have forgotten that for the fact that Jesus chose Peter’s boat does not rule out the fact that John would later become the beloved of Christ. The same John whom Jesus refused to step into his boat would later become the only man to visit heavens while on earth; he saw great revelation difficult for people to interpret today. The same James preached the gospel throughout Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, all because they cooperated with a fisherman’s friend.
Stop duplicating people’s vision will not help you. You are not only cheating yourself if the work you are doing is stolen from someone. If God called you to be a teacher in His vineyard and all of a sudden you find ministry work lucrative and venture into it, you are not only fulfilling another man’s vision, you are out of yours. There are some people that are better off as employees but because of envy they want to set up their own businesses. Will you rather pray to God today to step into your boat or make you a better partner for the one He had chosen? Remember, Jesus stepped into only one boat but the two were found useful at the end. Stay on your own lane and stop copying people.
Word Affirmation: “In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul." - Psalm 138:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“The fact that Jesus chose Peter’s boat does not rule out the fact that John would later become the beloved of Christ."