Revival can be said to take place when men in and out of the church are on fire for God, when their behaviours are in line with the will of God and quick to answer to the things of God rather than self. When revival comes, you don’t have to be preached to, for God had come into such life. No one will force you to pray, to read and study the Word of God and to attend services. As a (wo)man, two personalities are battling with one existence, God and Satan; the former comes to revive and bring one into his/her destiny; the later come to extinguish the fire of revival in one’s life and derail the plan of God.
Have you ever been fervent for God in time past? What hinder you now not to become fervent for God again? Your going to service, participating in choir rehearsal, weekly activities, reading the Bible as a child of God and yielding yourself to Christ in total obedience has great implication for your future which is to solidify your destiny and enable you to stand when evil times come. Perilous times are here, with all the events in the world, you should understand that the end of the world is surely near. This is not the time to sleep; it is the time to rekindle the fire of revival. In those days, when open air crusades are announced in a particular town, you see people rushing to revival ground without anybody pushing them, praying to God and genuinely converted. But in our world today, the more will have multitude at places of prayer, the more it seems God is taking away from us.
Though it is not strange to have bad people in the church, Christ foretold it; for the net of the gospel was to enclose both good and bad fish (Matthew 13:47, 48; 24). However, we must not be offended that there are insincere people among the fold, even in gold ore there will be dross, and a great deal of chaff among the wheat when it lies on the floor. Though gospel times were times of reformation in many respects, be known that even in gospel times there would be perilous times; these would be difficult times, wherein it would be difficult for a man to keep a good conscience. But a child of God must stand for and with God all the days of his/her life. Never compromise your stand for the truth.
Self-love make this time perilous. Who is there who does not love himself? Paul charged Timothy to not indulge in an irregular sinful self-love. Men love their carnal selves better than their spiritual selves. Men love to gratify their own lusts, and make provision for them, more than to please God and do their duty. Instead of Christian charity, which takes care for the good of others, men mind themselves only, and prefer their own gratification before the church's edification. When men are lovers of themselves, no good can be expected from them, as all good may be expected from those who love God with all their hearts.
Word Affirmation: “Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." - Act 2:27 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“When men are lovers of themselves, no good can be expected from them.”"
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